Water Solutions to Your Water Problems

Run Clean Water from Your Well into Your New Hampshire, Maine, or MA Home

Water Solutions depend on your water problem:

Water Flow

If your well is spitting air, has low flow, or no flow at all, then we can help you figure out whether that’s an issue with your pump or with your well. We can troubleshoot your well and pumping system and find the source of your water flow problems. If it’s a problem with the water well pump, we can determine whether it needs to be repaired or replaced. We can also check the power source of the pump and make sure that it’s getting the power it needs to operate correctly. Sometimes the problem is the well itself. Wells can run low or out of water. We can figure that out quickly and make a recommendation as to whether repairing a water well or replacing a water well is the best choice. We can help you close down a non-producing or contaminated water well to meet environmental standards.

Water Quality

Having clear, clean, and healthy water is what you want and we want to help you get there. It’s not uncommon for private water wells to experience issues with unwanted minerals and elements that can affect the water’s color, smell, and taste. Most of these elements are not inherently dangerous but they do affect the taste and smell of the water. We are familiar with all the usual culprits when it comes to well water that’s not looking or tasting right and can find a solution for you.

We can also set you up with a water softening system that will make your hard water taste better, feel better on your skin and hair, and be easier on your pipes and clothes. We can recommend a system that will change your current water experience for the better.

If your well water has tested positive for radon, arsenic, chloride, bacteria, or some other harmful substance, then we can provide you with a water treatment program that will get your water running pure and clean. We offer reverse osmosis, iron filtration, radon mitigation, arsenic filters, and a number of other treatment systems that will make your water safe to drink and wash with again.

Whatever your water problem might be, we have a solution. Whether it’s a problem with the well, the water, or the water pump we can help you get your water running pure and healthy, Call now 800-343-1411

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Phone or Cell Number

Comac Pump & Well LLC
13 New Boston Rd
PO Box 425
Kingston, NH 03848

Toll Free: 800-343-1411
Local: 603-642-3683
Fax: 603-642-5829

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