Fracking Your Water Well

Hydraulic Fracturing is a Great Way to Revitalize a Low Flow Water Well

The term “fracking,” as it applies to oil and shale drilling, has been getting a lot of attention in the news lately. For water wells, fracking has been a popular and safe way to get more water production out of an older well. Sometimes, it just makes more sense to frack a water well than to close it down and drill another one to replace it.

Basically, hydraulic fracturing uses high pressure water to open small fractures in the rock that lets the water below the bedrock to pass through more easily into your well. This is done without using harmful chemicals or pollutants.

Fracking your well might be the answer to your water well’s low flow problems, let our experts come out and evaluate your well and see if hydraulic fracturing could work for you. Call Comac Pump & Well 800-343-1411

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Comac Pump & Well LLC
13 New Boston Rd
PO Box 425
Kingston, NH 03848

Toll Free: 800-343-1411
Local: 603-642-3683
Fax: 603-642-5829

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