An Artesian Water Well is Often Your Best Choice

Bubbling Crystal Waters From the Aquifer to Your Home

Artesian water well drilling makes up the bulk of our business. We have helped hundreds of satisfied customers living in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts with their artesian water well drilling and siting. The geology of our area is ideal for drilling through the bedrock and tapping the pressurized artesian aquifers that are nestled between the rocks. Also, here in New England, we’re lucky enough to have water that is safe and easily accessible thanks to the granite ledge and the untouched pockets of water located there.

Although you can drill almost anywhere in the Northeast area and hit water, it’s often more complicated than just drilling until you hit water— there are a number of variables that come have to be considered when you are choosing your well site. Not only do we take in consideration the nearest location of water to your residence or business, but also how close it is to other active or inactive wells, or where there might be potential contamination sources.

Once we determine a drilling site, we get to work drilling with our state of the art drilling equipment. Our trucks our equipped to access most locations and, in most cases, we can have your water up and running in a day or two. Once we have the water bubbling up from the bedrock, we then finish up with a well water installation that meets or exceeds the industry standards.

We understand that you might drill one artesian water well on your property in your lifetime, but we drill artesian water wells EVERY DAY. We want you to tap our wealth of experience and knowledge when you are drilling, installing, and maintaining your property’s artesian water well.

For an artesian water well on your property you should call now. We can have water flowing for you in a couple of days—For service across New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine call 800-343-1411 today. Comac Well and Pump

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Phone or Cell Number

Comac Pump & Well LLC
13 New Boston Rd
PO Box 425
Kingston, NH 03848

Toll Free: 800-343-1411
Local: 603-642-3683
Fax: 603-642-5829

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